Thursday, 3 August 2017

Be happy and spread happiness

It was a normal day routine, getting up, going to work, come home and work on home chores and finally late in the evening peruse over the newspapers before watching TV. for some time and off to bed. That evening I came across news of a young student committing suicide as part of an online game, 'Blue Whale'. It was shocking and enervating. The very next day in school we planned for a talk by a Cyber crime expert for our parents and students. 

Coming across articles on violence, crimes, building collapsing, mass deaths, terrorism have become routine, you actually search the newspapers to read something good happening across the world. Sometimes when the day has been tough I prefer to give up the newspapers because it stresses me more than calming me.

It should not be difficult to mention good work done by people because the majority of people I come across wish to make a change. They are optimistic human beings contributing positively to the global community. Their very presence creates a serene atmosphere in the room. They are always smiling and turn a negative statement into a positive opportunity. Always ready with a helping hand whenever a catastrophe has happened within the city, country or elsewhere. In fact the number of people joining hands to spread the UN 2030 Sustainable Development goals are so many. All around the globe, people want to work towards peace, equity and excellence. Then why are we not promoting these constructive actions, thoughts and feelings on a grand scale?

Personally I count my blessing that I am surrounded by wonderful friends, family, educators and social workers whose contributions towards life has always been filled with gratitude and love.

When we adults get so affected by these disturbing news all the times, then what effect is it having on our children? How are they visioning the world and people around them?

Our children need to hear the good that is happening around the world, they need to believe that good triumphs over evil, that there is hope, love and happiness all around us. They need to see us smile more often, laugh wholeheartedly and connect with our near and dear ones more now than ever. 

Together we can alter mind-shifts on a grand scale if we stand united.

How? Simple few steps undertaken by both adults and children can make a difference:

1. Love yourself - Start with yourself. Believe you are special and beautiful then your self esteem multiplies. 

2. Law of attraction - What we give is what we receive. So send out positive thoughts to all and see how people start viewing you in process. Empower yourself with good books. 

3. Avoid people who are cribbers - You are influenced by the company you keep so check the set of people you mingle with.

4. Meditation and self time - Give yourself some quality time. Meditate to reflect on yourself and talk to yourself. You are missing knowing the best person you could come across. 

5. Know our priorities - Ensure your work does not take you away from your near and dear ones. Learn to say 'NO'. 

All this will translate in you being happy even in states of unhappiness. Sometimes circumstances may make you unhappy but those moments will last for shorter times because you have learned how to bounce back faster, happier and more optimistic than before. Believe that you matter and the world needs you then the chain of good thoughts will translate into good actions across the world.