Sunday, 15 October 2017

Every challenge opens new avenues, so welcome it

Life is truly amazing. At one point it can elevate you to the highest pinnacle and the next second drop you like a sack of potatoes. The crests and troughs are truly mind boggling and sometimes the time given to you to digest the circumstances is so short that you just don't know whether to stand still, walk or run.

                                         We are all aware that change is the law of the Universe.  

I am sure everyone faces it every now and then. In fact have seen great survivors welcome it with open arms as once again it propels one to stand at the threshold, reflect on unique capabilities built along the way and make new decisions for oneself.

I know that the last time I took the plunge, it gave me the recognition of the Global Top 50 teacher. Thus stand with your arms stretched high and go with the flow. Let's see where the journey takes you. You are already at the ebb so there is every possibility that you will move up and never down. Look forward to some more learning about yourself and miracles will happen.

I have watched so many of my friends rise from ashes and wish to share few great lessons learned from their and mine mistakes and experiences so that you may not repeat our follies.

1. Love all but trust yourself.
2. You don't need to look strong always, sometimes it is okay to let your emotions run. The cleansing is important for you to begin afresh the next day.
3. Love your job but don't get attached. Attachments only pull you down.
4. Sometimes your best ally could be your biggest stabber so watch your back.
5. Have deep confidence in yourself. Don't let other people's opinion pull you down. It is their perspective, you have your own which is more important.
6. Chill, people can only take what they can access from you so guard yourself.

At the end, Murphy's law "whatever can happen, will happen" but the journey does not end here. The experiences make you richer, more beautiful and more forgiving. Who knows, but the next story could be written on you.